Adult Spiritual Development classes

"An Invitation to the Spiritual Journey" — Based on a book by the late Episcopal priest The Rev. John P. Gorsuch, this series distills the book into seven 2-page excerpts, and offers several discussion questions for each. Designed for an adult formation series, participants read the material in advance and come prepared to tackle the questions in small (6-8 people) groups. This parish-tested format offers participants a way to enter into deep, thoughtful, and personal discussions, talk about their spiritual lives, and build community with others.

"The Spirituality of Aging" — Based on Joan Chittister’s book “The Gift of Years” this five-session adult formation series is formatted like the Invitation to the Spiritual Journey series. Chittister acknowledges the blessings and challenges of aging and speaks convincingly against secular culture, which often marginalizes elders as non-productive, unappealing, and burdensome. Chittister makes the case that it is among the elders of our society that the wisdom that will save and advance us resides.

"Cultivating a Heart of Peace in a Violent World" — The foundation for cultivating a heart of peace can be built from Scripture, prayer, and action. How are Christians different from the rest of the world in our response to violence? This class offers eight practical ways participants can cultivate more a more peaceful outlook.

"A Parent's Guide to Baptism" — Designed as a take-home summary of a baptism preparation class for parents of infants and children being baptized, this resources offers some of the meanings of baptism found in the New Testament, its meaning for early Christians, its meaning for modern Christians, the role of the Holy Spirit and the conveying of spiritual gifts, and the roles of sponsors and parents in the life of the child as he or she grows.

"Doorways to Prayer" — Developed for parishes wanting to deepen their experiences of God and open to exploring new ways of praying in community, this series offers creative ways of exploring prayers of intercession, confession, and thanksgiving in the context of Sunday worship.

"What it Means to Be an Episcopalian" — Our church endeavors to be relevant, sharing the gospel with people of every place and time in ways they are able to hear it and live it. Even so, there’s a foundation of unchanging hallmarks or traditions that underlies our faith. This workshop—drawn from work by James E. Griffiss and Urban T. Holmess III—offers and expounds on ten of them. It is an excellent framework for adult baptism or confirmation preparation as well as for adult inquirer classes.