The Rev. Susan Woodward Springer

 A formal headshot portrait of the Reverend Susan Woodward Springer.

I’m an Episcopal priest and rector of an historic downtown church in Boulder, Colorado. People in my congregation are committed to their spiritual growth, grounded in contemplative practice, passionate about inclusivity and social justice, and willing to watch with me for the invitations of the Holy Spirit and to follow along. Read more about us on the St. John's Episcopal Church website.

Before I answered the call to this vocation, I worked on an offshore oil rig, operated heavy equipment alongside longshoremen, dispatched helicopters from the Aleutian Chain, fought fires, hunted and fished to help feed my family, wrote books, ran small businesses, and served in local politics in a small Alaskan town off the road system. In one way or another, most of it turned out to be good preparation for the priesthood. 

I never set out to be a priest. I never even dreamed of the possibility. I grew up in the Episcopal Church at a time when altars faced the wall, women did not lead worship, and prayers were drawn from a book compiled in 1928. I loved it all. I remember hearing the priest announce one Sunday in 1974 that eleven women had been ordained in Philadelphia. I remember thinking how odd that was. I remember feeling off-center, as if a foundation had shifted slightly and dislodged me. I remember my mother, leaning past me to whisper (in her best Georgia accent) to my aunt: “I will nevah support a woman in the pulpit.” Thank God that, years later, when I heard my own powerful and surprising call to the priesthood, she completely changed her mind.

The Reverend Susan Woodward Springer conducts a service at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado.

(Continue reading  about the Reverend Susan Woodward Springer's thoughts on vocation.)




For five years I served on the board of directors of The Episcopal Preaching Foundation and taught at their Preaching Excellence Program (PEP) for seminarians and at diocesan continuing education conferences for clergy. I am available to teach any of these workshops or develop something additional to meet your needs.


I’ve worked as a consultant to a couple of congregations in transition, helping them prepare well for their next spiritual leader and the next chapter in their parish’s ongoing story. I offered “Opening the Windows: Becoming a Spirit-filled Church” as the keynote and accompanying workshops for the Diocese of Nevada’s annual convention (2017). I am available to speak on any of these topics, or to develop something additional to meet your needs.


This is a sampling of classes and series I’ve developed for use in the parish. I am available to offer these in your parish or diocese or to work with you to develop a teaching series on a topic of your choice.


You can also listen to a sampling of my sermons, preached over the past several years at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder.