Five gifts of a birthday hike
A woodpecker: toiling in a tree
Deploys his tiny jackhammer
The sound as if one dropped a nut into a glass jar
And shook it madly
Another bird: Ta-WHEEP Ta-WHEEP Ta-WOO
Whose earnest hymn is sung
In raspy and divided tongue
A tiny moth: brilliant blue
Against the green and brown and grey;
If all it was born to do
Was to elicit one “Ah!” from a passing friend
Then, my little one, your brief life’s work
Is done
A spring brook: the run-off of May
Has cut deep into the soft land
The water dancing right, then left, then right again
‘Round an obstacle course of rocks
Leaping then some feet below
Into a pool, a performance
Any sedentary patio fountain
Would envy
The last gift, as I step upon the toes
Of a long silent sloping hill
Straight-trunked pines like floor lamps
Car-sized boulders like great overstuffed chairs
Carpet of spreading shrub;
I might be walking
Past the living room of God